Page categories.
Datganiad Hygyrchedd
ALN endeavours at all times to make the site as accessible as reasonably possible to disabled users. In no way does ALN seek to deliberately discriminate against disabled users access to the website s...
Weithiwr Proffesiynol
Fe welwch ddolenni i bob un o'n pedair gwefan ar ddeg ar y dudalen hon. Mae llawer o dudalennau'r wefan yn cynnwys manylion y bobl allweddol i gysylltu â nhw ynghylch mater...
Rhiant neu Ofalwr
Ydych chi’n adnabod person ifanc sy'n ystyried symud ymlaen i goleg ac am gael rhagor o wybodaeth? Mae’r fideos isod yn dangos beth allwch ei ddisgwyl yn ystod pob cam o’r broses...
Berson Ifanc
Ydych chi’n ystyried symud ymlaen i goleg ond am gael rhagor o wybodaeth? Mae’r fideos isod yn dangos beth allwch ei ddisgwyl yn ystod pob cam o’r broses. Bywyd Coleg Beth allwch chi...
Dileu Jargon
Rydyn ni’n gwybod bod pobl yn hoffi siarad gan ddefnyddio acronymau ac weithiau mae hyn yn gallu teimlo fel gormod o jargon. Rydyn ni wedi creu rhestr o ddiffiniadau o A i Y i’ch helpu chi...
Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer by websites that you visit. They are widely used in order to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide informati...
Polisi Preifatrwydd
ALN may collect personal information from visitors to this site. This information is used only to respond to enquiries and to monitor site usage. E-mail addresses received as part of an enquiry are on...
Amodau a Thelerau
ALN will distribute the latest copy of our Terms and Conditions to new and existing clients upon request. Please contact us if you would like to request a copy.
Contact Us
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Mae’r prosiect yn bartneriaeth rhwng y pedwar coleg addysg bellach yng Nghonsortiwm Canolbarth y De: Coleg Caerdydd a’r Fro Coleg Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr Coleg Merthyr Tudful Coleg y Cym...